Decidim 0.29.2 API documentation

Explore the API interactively with GraphiQL


A type used for filtering any user or group A typical query would look like: { users(filter:{wildcard:"sandy", excludeIds:[2,10,11]}) { id ...on User { groups { name } } ...on UserGroup { members { name } } } }

Input Fields

type (String)

Filters by type of entity (User or UserGroup)

name (String)

Filters by name of the user entity. Searches (case-insensitive) any fragment of the provided string

nickname (String)

Filters by nickname of the user entity. Searches (case-insensitive) any fragment of the provided string

wildcard (String)

Filters by nickname or name of the user entity. Searches (case-insensitive) any fragment of the provided string

excludeIds ([ID!])

Excludes users contained in given ids. Valid values are one or more IDs (passed as an array)