Decidim 0.29.2 API documentation

Explore the API interactively with GraphiQL


A initiative



description (TranslatedField)

The description of this initiative.

slug (String!)
hashtag (String)

The hashtag for this initiative

publishedAt (DateTime!)

The time this initiative was published

reference (String!)

Reference prefix for this initiative

state (String)

Current status of the initiative

signatureType (String)

Signature type of the initiative

signatureStartDate (Date!)

The signature start date

signatureEndDate (Date!)

The signature end date

offlineVotes (Int)

The number of offline votes in this initiative

onlineVotes (Int)

The number of online votes in this initiative

initiativeVotesCount (Int)
Deprecation notice

initiativeVotesCount has been collapsed in onlineVotes parameter

The number of votes in this initiative

initiativeSupportsCount (Int)
Deprecation notice

initiativeSupportsCount has been collapsed in onlineVotes parameter

The number of supports in this initiative

author (Author!)

The initiative author

committeeMembers ([InitiativeCommitteeMemberType])
createdAt (DateTime)

The date and time this object was created

updatedAt (DateTime)

The date and time this object was updated

initiativeType (InitiativeType)

The object's initiative type

attachments ([Attachment]!)

This object's attachments

scope (Scope)

The object's scope

id (ID!)

The participatory space's unique ID

title (TranslatedField!)

The graphql_name of this participatory space.

type (String!)

The participatory space class name. i.e. Decidim::ParticipatoryProcess

manifest (ParticipatorySpaceManifest!)

The manifest information for the participatory space.

components ([ComponentInterface])

Lists the components this space contains.

Argument Type Description
filter ComponentFilter

Provides several methods to filter the results

order ComponentSort

Provides several methods to order the results

stats ([Statistic])