Decidim 0.29.2 API documentation

Explore the API interactively with GraphiQL


An election



id (ID!)

The internal ID of this election

title (TranslatedField!)

The title for this election

description (TranslatedField!)

The description for this election

streamUri (String)

The stream URI for this election

autoStart (Boolean)

Whether this election will start automatically or manually

dynamicCensus (Boolean)

Whether the census is closed or dynamic

startTime (DateTime)

The start time for this election

endTime (DateTime!)

The end time for this election

createdAt (DateTime)

When this election was created

updatedAt (DateTime)

When this election was updated

publishedAt (DateTime)

When this election was published

blocked (Boolean)

Whether this election has it's parameters blocked or not

status (String)

The status for this election

interruptible (Boolean)

Whether this election has have the 'interruptible' setting enabled

secretUntilTheEnd (Boolean)

Whether this election has the 'votes secret until the end' setting enabled

questions ([VocdoniQuestion]!)

The questions for this election

voters ([VocdoniVoter]!)

The voters for this election

versionsCount (Int!)

Total number of versions

versions ([TraceVersion]!)

This object's versions

attachments ([Attachment]!)

This object's attachments